Mass Mutual

COVID-19 & Adults with Intellectual Disability, Autism, Epilepsy,or Brain Injuries

People with disabilities, including persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), experience unique risks during emergencies, disasters, epidemics, and pandemics that can impact health and health care.

BY Charles E. Drum, MPA, JD, PhD., Anthony Oberg, MA, Jacob Ditsch, OTD, Karl Cooper, JD and Roberta Carlin, MS, MA, JD | July 2020 | Category: Accessible Homes

COVID-19 & Adults with Intellectual Disability, Autism, Epilepsy,or Brain Injuries

Yet, little is known about the full impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities.

The intricacies and changing dynamics of the pandemic establish a critical need for policy and programmatic responses to this extraordinary health and public health challenge.

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