Mass Mutual

How IRWE (Ur-wee) ABLE to earn more and still PASS the eligibility criteria for disability benefits?

In this article, we are going to show you how to use Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE), Plans to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) and Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to maximize the amount you can earn from working and the amount you can save and accumulate without affecting your SSI or SSDI benefits.

BY Alexandra Baig, MBA, CFP | October 2019 | Category: Employment & Transition

How IRWE (Ur-wee) ABLE to earn more and still PASS the eligibility criteria for disability benefits?

“How much can I earn and not lose my Social Security Benefits?”  I get this question a lot from my clients with disabilities who want to go to work or increase their work hours, but do not want to jeopardize their cash benefits.  The question is analogous to asking a dietician, “How much can I eat and still lose weight?”  The answer to both questions is: “It depends.”

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